My Favorite Things

  • After trying many coffeemakers, this is THE ONE: Cuisinart Brew Central.  This even starred in the now cancelled ABC drama, Brothers & Sisters - how is that for stardom??  I love the retro design and LOVE the coffee.

  • Diet Coke is my go-to drink of choice in moderation.  I am addicted to the carbonation.  Yes, it can give you a uneasy bloated feeling, but it is sooooo good.  Water is so much better and healthier, but a little Diet Coke doesn't hurt either! 

  • Tim Horton's coffee.  Large decaf 'double double' to be exact.  If you are not from Canada or the select northern cities this coffee and bake shop is located, boy, are you missing out!  This franchise is named for NHL great, Tim Horton, who played for the Toronto Maple Leafs and Buffalo Sabres.  He was killed in the 1970's in a freak car accident on the QEW in Ontario.  I am both a hockey fan and Buffalo, NY resident who wishes my company would let Tim Horton's build a tiny cafe outide my office door.  If you are ever up north, tasting this delectable coffee should be on your 'must do' list.  You can't miss Tim Horton's - there is one every mile, and you will see it from afar by all the cars waiting in the drive-thru.  
I love this picture because it is in French and just looks, well, French.  Thank you Canada for Tim Horton's!

  • The Christmas Season is my absolute, hands down, most favorite time of the year.  Although it 'technically runs' from Black Friday until Dec.26th, *my* Christmas Season runs from mid November until January (The Feast of the Three Kings).  I love the snow, Christmas trees, twinkling white lights, Santa Claus, Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, cooking & baking, the holiday shows and movies, and most of all, the holiday music - Tony Bennett is my favorite.   Heck, I even play Christmas music in my car in July (shhhhh, that's our secret).   

Oh, and forgot, Peppermint Mocha's at Starbucks....

And, a good, nasty snowstorm...

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