I should be an employee of Pottery Barn Kids. Every time my daughter & I are at the Galleria Mall, we have to make a long pitstop at Pottery Barn Kids so she can play with her favorite dolls, Sophie and Chloe (which Santa brought her the past two Christmases), and the adorable retro play kitchen with all the neat accessories - blender, tea kettle, and the salt and pepper shakers.
At the age of 3½, we are not ready to by her an American Girl doll just yet. She is somewhat interested, but we are going to hold off until age 4 or 5 - when she can take better care of the investment. For now, she love the doll collection at Pottery Barn Kids. She had Chloe, and of course she needed a friend, so Sophie came to join her. They seem to be getting along fabulously!
My daughter is now into playing the Mommy roll with her baby dolls and her PBK dolls. She wanted a stroller from Santa so she could take her dolls for a walk at the park, at the mall, or just for a stroll through the house. The was the second item on her Christmas List.
She received a stroller last year, but it was an inexpensive type that fell apart with a month. I am not one to throw away money, but it is well known that I rather spend for good quality. That way you are not spending more cash to replace a product, and in turn, spending the more in the long run.
After thinking about it, and observing her playing at the Pottery Barn Kids store, we decided to purchase (from Santa, of course) the Doll Jogging Stroller. From testing it at the store, it is a smooth ride with extra large wheels and easy access for a preschooler to get her dolls in to and out with hassle.
Now this is a good looking doll stroller….
She was so excited when she opening it on Christmas morning! The doll jogging stroller came pre wrapped from Pottery Barn Kids (what a timesaver!), so we had to put it together. It was a simple job that took a total of ten minutes, if that. All that needed to be put together were the wheels and the front tray - how is that for simplicity?
The details of the Pottery Barn Kids doll jogging stroller are a mark on its quality. It is roomy enough to fit two dolls that can be strapped in, the basket underneath can hold a myriad of kid stuff and the stroller handle can be positioned to fit your child's height and comfort level. The fabric is thick and easily spot cleans. And, to top it off, the doll stroller is sturdy and kid tough, yet has a very smooth ride. Also, as a space saving bonus, it folds up!
We are not able to take it outside yet because of the cold and snow, but we have taken it to the mall for a test drive. This a wonderfully made stroller made with quality in mind. This will last us years - just what we want. Sure, we had to pay $79, but the sturdy frame and details are well worth it.
If you are in the market for a quality doll stroller for your daughter that won't succumb to the slightest accident, then consider the Pottery Barn Kids stroller collection. Not only do they have the jogging stroller, but also a pram and umbrella stroller - whatever is your preference.
I love Pottery Barn Kids, and as I said, maybe that employee discount would come in handy (wink, wink).